Friday, February 1, 2013


Q1: Have you ever created a design specifically made to persuade a crowd?

A1: Yes, in fact I have. Even my students work with real companies to create advertisements, keeping the target audience in mind.

My thoughts 1: Mr. Martin definitely can help me with my work with his skills.

Q2: How did you go about doing this?

A2: I had to contact the business owners and see if they're willing to be customers, and went over the skills with the class. They had a few days to get ready to make the phone calls.

My thoughts 2: It's amazing how the middle schoolers did it themselves. This shows dedication and bravery.

Q3: If you were trying to persuade a group of people through one design or image, what would be some of the aspects of the design you would focus on?

A3: Well, it would depend on the target audience, really. If they were little kids, you would want to use bright colors and custom fonts. If they were older folks, you would keep it more simple, and not so flashy.

My thoughts 3: This is exactly what I had in mind when I made this question.

Q4: How do you get a group of kids (like the kids in your class) to listen to an individual like yourself?

A4: The main way is to give them tasks with real world meaning. It makes they're ears perk up when they know it's for a real customer and not just a grade. Because if it was bad, it would embarrass them.

My thoughts 4: This means the children are really into what they are learning, and they are dedicated. It is hard to be a teacher of such enthusiastic kids.

Q5: Have you ever made a design that has been mass produced across the school or even, the state?

A5: Well I actually am the guy who designs the icons for Hall Connect. As far as statewide, no. I've made a commercial that has played on local television, but that's about it.

My thoughts 5: Wow! It's amazing this guy I met is the one who makes the logo I see everyday on the internet!

Q6: Have you ever made a promotional video of any kind? What were they/ was it?

A6: Yes, I've made some for Habitat Humanity, my church, and more. But primarily, I just do non-profit work for friends who don't know how to do it.

My thoughts 6: Doing non-profit work is a huge deal. It shows that you're not just in it for the money.

Q7: Was the promotion successful?
Q8: And it what ways?

A7: The events were successful yes, but I don't think it had anything to do with me. 
A8: I will say my Sander's Drugs video was very successful, because he said he added over 100 customers that were drawn in by the commercial.
My thoughts 7: I think he was trying to be modest, but I believe without advertisements, a product?service is nothing.
My thoughts 8: Anyone who can make an ad and get that much hype from it, knows what they're doing.

Q9: When you are making any sort of promotional video, what are some of the aspects or outline you follow?

A9: We storyboard every single video. It starts with a phone call to whoever is going to be playing the video. Then, you try to get the customer to see things from your point of view. Those are the main steps.

My thoughts 9: Storyboarding is a big part and helps you keep things organized. You can tell Mr. Martin is an organized guy from his answer.

Q10: If I were to make a Kickstarter promoting an item to a schoolboard, what advice would you give me?

A10: The best advice I can give is make your customer know what kind of benefits they can receive from you. They won't be interested in what you have unless they get something out of it.

My thoughts 10: I never thought of this aspect, honestly, when I was brainstorming of ways to approach schoolboards.

1 comment:

  1. Casey, it would be a good idea to 'introduce' the person you interviewed (name, title, qualifications, area of expertise, experience,etc. I loved his responses to questions #3 and #4 especially. Mr. Martin is very talented and knowledgeable!
