Friday, January 18, 2013

HMP Assignment - Self Reflection

Resolution: FOCUS

I chose this word because focusing in the year of 2013 is my hardest task. It is a year filled with so many gadgets and hobbies, and my brain is easily distracted by everything that is going on in the world.

I am not the type of person who envies a lot of people, and I'm really laid back about some situations. However, there are certain things/ events  that some people get to experience that just really grind my gears, because I can't. My parents shelter me a lot from the world, so there's just so much in life I haven't experienced because of fear from my parents. I really envy some kids when they come back from an awesome concert that I could never go to, and they're telling me all about how awesome it is. I'm not a habitual liar, either. Although, I may spurt a quick lie out in a conversation depending on the situation. For example, if I'm talking to a girl about music, I may say I love her favorite band even though I've never really listened to them.

1 comment:

  1. Love your one word theme!!!! Focus and clear sense of direction will determine your destination. By being 'focused' on YOUR life and goals (and core values) will help you make wise choices.
