Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bring on the Learning Revolution!

  1. What would you pursue or study if you had unlimited time and resources?

  1. Which has more influence, Aptitude or Attitude, and Why?

  1. Do you think that our current grading system needs to be abolished? What alternative do you recommend?

  1. Some of the HMP class goals are: to help students develop time management skills, foster a sense of independence and accountability, and real life problem solving. This class requires a lot of student motivation since you are not meeting with a teacher on a daily basis. What areas of improvement or areas of personal growth has this class brought to your attention (time management, procrastination, self advocacy, computer skills, writing or communicating deficits, etc.)?

1. If I had unlimited time and resources, I would be doing multiple things that would force me to become the "master of media". I would study photography/videography, be an independent filmmaker, and enter my films into the film festival (and win of course). I would also pursue making music, whether it be on my guitar or digitally, because that is most likely my favorite pastime. 

2. Attitude has more influence in my opinion, because aptitude comes from attitude. Even if you had a natural talent or gift, without a determined attitude,  that talent isn't going to bring you far.

3. There's no doubt that the current grading system needs to be changed, it's just hard to make a groundbreaking change in this society. These days, grades are mostly based off of laziness, forgetfulness, and copy and pasting. Grades should be based off of knowledge, but its hard to come up with alternatives. I would say to just wreck the whole system and start over, even if it means chaos for several years. There needs to be some sort of system where kids would kill to be learning, maybe by mainly working with the students true skills. For example, in my case, I would want to be focused more towards designing, creating, and producing media, instead of learning about history material that I'm not going to remember in the next few years. The current system is just depressing, because I've realized over the years that I am mostly wasting my life.

4. This class mainly helps me improve on my time management, and living in the real world. It gives me the chance to sit at a desk and watch others, and see how life would most likely be after pursuing my career path.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog posting-the lower grade is due to the date it was turned in. I hope you will pursue all you mentioned in the first paragraph! I concur with your thoughts in statement #2. I love this quote of Calvin Cooledge: "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race"
